Sunday, January 13, 2013

Achievements ruining the markets ?

    Hello everyone, I'm here because I want to discuss a topic that I feel it needs to be discussed. Since the whole "Achievement thing" was introduced, I noticed that just by completing some achievements you could get kamas and resources that are hard to drop. Just a couple of days ago someone wanted to buy kolosso claws and I pm-ed him telling him he could have my 10 for 1.2mk. It was amazing to me how he said that the market price for 10 kolosso claws was 600kk and indeed when I checked I saw that the prices had dropped 50% since the last time I sold my kolosso claws.  acheter des kamas par sms

     Kolosso claws aren't that difficult to drop; in the past if you went with your team of 8 you could have dropped maybe 2-3, but now with this new achievement thing just by defeating kolosso you get 10 of them and by doing the other achievements you can get up to 50! of them per character. My question is, wouldn't someone who makes his money by selling "hard-to-get" resources be p***ed because of this ? Yes, I understand that this way Ankama is trying to help those "poor" players but I also think that it is disadvantaging those rich players. Maybe dofus is trying to "balance" things out ? So the rich don't get richer but the poor get richer ? Will this ever end or will people always make new characters to do the achievements and get the money from selling resources?

    Also, if I'm missing something here, please tell me; this is the idea that I got from this whole achievements thing, perhaps I am wrong.
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